Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mr. CaM

Since we have been here I have been home schooling Cam and the reason for that is we are living in temporary housing so I didn't want to start him in one school then when we got a house, move him to another. So, I've been doing some school work that his teacher from Alpine had sent us...which was so nice of her! I never thought I would be home schooling my kids for the fact that I don't think I'm smart enough to do it! Lol! Anyway, Cam had been telling me that he was bored with his school work so I decided to try a little math (addition) and seriously he is getting it and we are only a week into it. He is so easy to teach because he just grasps things so quickley. I'm so glad that he is learning so fast and that he has made this easy for me. He is so ready to go back to school and I am excited for him to meet new friends! Love you Camo! I'm so proud of you!


Mandy said...

i lvoe that smarty pants. I have more work for him from Mrs. Rhys:)