Saturday, November 19, 2011

Cam's first race!

Cam ran his first mile race this morning! He was super excited and was sure that he was going to win that trophy! He was being so cute! He finished with a time of 10:02 and placed 6th in the 4-8 year old group. He was very happy with his placing and had a blast! Kris ran it with him and when they started they were pretty much in last and Kris said Cam wanted to take off just like all the other kids and he told him to just keep a steady pace and and we will pass them. It worked out great because by the end he was passing kids and really just sprinting through the finish line. It was a run morning and of course we are super proud of Cam! I don't think this will be his last is only the begining! :) Good job Cam you did AWESOME!!!